Niño precioso


When I first found this song, I assumed it was a lullaby to Jesus because it refers to it being cold out and calls the baby "God of love." Turns out it's just a regular lullaby that can be sung to any baby, but it is also common to use the song in a holiday program, so I thought I'd include it among my Christmas songs. I read one account that it's a Nicaraguan lullaby, one that it's a Mexican lullaby, and one that it's known throughout south and central America. Whereever it's from, it's lovely, and though I have an English version of the song, I think it sounds better in Spanish. Below I've listed the lyrics. I have to admit I was a bit confused by the first line - "precious baby, more so than the ermine." I wondered "why are we saying this baby is more precious than a weasel," but then I did a little research and discovered that fur coats made of ermine hair were rare, highly valued, and worn only by royalty and other high ranking nobility, hence the comparison. 

Spanish lyrics

Niño precioso, más qué el armiño,
Risueño niño, Dios del amor.
Duerme tranquilo, duerme entretanto
E leva un canto mi-humile voc.
Duerme, chiquitito, Que hoy hace frío.
Duerme, amor mío, Yo velaré.

English Translation

Precious child, more than the ermine,
Laughing child, God of love
Sleep easy, sleep in the meantime
I will raise my humble voice in song
Sleep, little one, that today is cold.
Sleep, my love, I will watch.


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