Christ's Birth in Humble Circumstances: Song #14 "Gesù Bambino"

Christ's Birth in Humble Circumstances

Song #14: "Gesù Bambino"

This is a well known Italian Christmas song. I sing the 1st verse in Italian and the 2nd in English. The refrain is in Latin (venite adoremus Dominum) which I intersperse with English (O come let us adore him, Christ the Lord).

(translation of the 1st verse)
In a humble hut, in cold and poverty, the Holy infant is born, who the world will adore. Hosanna, hosanna, sing with a joyous heart, your shepherds and angels, O King of light and love.

(English version of the 2nd verse)
Again the heart with rapture glows to greet the holy night, that gave the world its Christmas Rose, its King of Love and Light. Let ev'ry voice acclaim His name, the grateful chorus swell. From paradise to earth He came that we with Him might dwell.


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