Later Generations Reflecting on Christ's Birth: Song #28 "Still, Still, Still"

Later Generations Reflecting on Christ's Birth

Song #28 "Still, Still, Still"

Though this is a fairly well known song, the English lyrics in my songbook are completely different from the ones I was expecting. The song is a traditional Austrian carol. After looking up a translation I found the lyrics in my book are actually pretty close in meaning to the original poetry. The more commonly heard lyrics I use here aren't even resembling the original. However, I like this version because it makes it more personalized. The original song is strictly a lullaby for Jesus referring to Mary holding and nursing him while the angels sing. This version can be a lullaby for anyone. I see it as a mother pondering on Christ's birth while singing to her child on Christmas Eve and helping lull them to sleep in that peace. 

I chose to post the song today since that's exactly what I'm looking forward to doing tonight. I don't typically get much time with the kids in the week before Christmas because I work long hours at my seasonal delivery job. This year's been even busier than usual since more people are eager to reach out to their loved ones when they can't be with them physically. But I have been able to cuddle with my kids each night and at least sing them whichever song I've posted that day. I've really been cherishing those moments lately, and doing it on Christmas Eve after my last shift of the season always feels that much sweeter. 

"Still, still, still, one can hear the falling snow. For all is hushed, The world is sleeping, Holy Star its vigil keeping.

Sleep, sleep, sleep. ''Tis the eve of our Saviour's birth. The night is peaceful all around you, Close your eyes, let sleep surround you.

Dream Dream dream of that joyous day to come when guardian angels without number watch you as you sweetly slumber."


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