Lullabies to Jesus: Song #21 "Holy Infant's Lullaby"

Lullabies to Jesus

Song #21 "Holy Infant's Lullaby"

This is an absolutely gorgeous lullaby! When I first heard it I wanted to lie down and float away into dreamland. There aren't a lot of words to it, but I think the most profound part is when it says "the angels sing praises in heaven while Mary sings lullaby-lu." This alludes to the condescension of Christ, that he would come down from greatness and be born a helpless baby like the rest of us.

I've already posted the scriptures that allude to the condescension, so instead I'll leave a link to a great talk on the subject from The Ensign magazine.

"Sleep, sleep. O rest you holy infant. Close your eyes to the star shining bright. Sleep in the arms of your mother who sings to you through the night. A la ru, a la me, a la ru, a la me. Sleep. Sleep. The angels sing praises in heaven while Mary sings lullaby loo. Dream of a day gentle baby when man learns love from you. Sleep. Holy child. Sleep."


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