Wise Men and Gifts for Jesus: Song #25 "Jesus of Nazareth"

Wise Men and Gifts for Jesus

Song #25 "Jesus of Nazareth"

This song is fun to sing, though I hear it's a beast to play. My piano skills on a scale of 1-10 are around a 4, so I really can't tell how difficult something is once it's surpassed my own abilities. I do know that it's usually challenging to play anything that was originally written for an orchestra, and this piece was composed by opera composer Charles Gounod. Since he often wrote for orchestras, I'm not surprised anything by him would be challenging to play.

The song is originally in French, and it's totally different from the English version. It does mention "born in a creche'" in its refrain, but otherwise it has nothing to do with Christmas. It goes on about Jesus's greatness and how he brought Lazarus back to life and performed other miracles. Even if it's not even resembling the original text, this version's still good. It speaks of Christ's greatness while incorporating more of the Christmas story with shepherds and angels and wise men. 

English lyrics:

Though poor be the chamber come here, come and adore. Lo! the Lord of Heaven hath to all men given life forever more. 

Shepherds who folded your flocks beside you. Tell what was told by angel voices near. To you this night is born He who will guide you through paths of peace to living waters clear.

Kings from a far land draw near and behold Him. Led by a beam who warning bade ye come. Your crowns cast down with robe royal enfold Him. Your King descends to earth from brighter home.

Wind to the cedars proclaim a joyful story. Wave of the sea the tidings bear afar. The night is gone! Behold in all its glory. All broad and bright rises the eternal morning star!


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