Christ's Birth in Humble Circumstances: Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine aka "Joseph Lieber, Joseph mein"

If I could have only learned one new song this year, this would have been it. Last year I watched a lovely recording of a mezzo soprano singing this song while rocking her violinist's baby boy. It was so sweet and beautiful that I knew it had to be the next Christmas song I learned. I looked up the sheet music and found I could spend $7 on a copy of this song or buy a book it's in for $12. I went with the book option figuring I'd find enough other songs to make it worth the extra $5. I've already posted three other songs from it ("O Come Little Children," "Infant Holy, Infant Lowly," and "Coventry Carol"). It was a good buy!

"Joseph, Dearest Joseph mine,
Help me cradle the Child divine.
God reward thee and all that’s thine,
In paradise," so prays the virgin Mary.

"Gladly dear one, Lady mine
Help I cradle this Child divine"
"God’s own light on us both shall shine,
In paradise," as prays the mother Mary.

He came among us at Christmas time
At Christmas time in Bethlehem
Men shall praise him from far and wide,
Love’s diadem
Jesu, Jesu
Lo, he comes and loves and saves and frees us.


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