In Notte Placida

A lot of our well known Christmas carols are originally from Europe. German, French, and English carols are super common, and I've found plenty of good ones from Spain too. It surprises me that there aren't more Italian Christmas carols since so many great composers were Italian and so much great classical music originated in Italy. A couple years ago I put out a call to my Italian friends asking for more Italian Christmas songs. My friend Alba recommended this lovely song - "In Notte Placida." It was hard to find the sheet music for it. There's a well known opera aria called "Tacea La Notte Placida," and internet searches kept giving me that one instead of this one. However I was fortunate enough to find an arrangement in Musescore, a website where people can upload and post their own music. 

I have a smart Christmas tree that allows us to put in different patterns and colors for the lights. You'll notice in this one I tried to make it look like a waving Italian flag in red, white, and green.

Here are the lyrics and a translation. I noticed the lyrics that came with my music are a little different from the ones I can find online, so I'm doing the translation myself. Alba or another of my native Italian friends who also speaks English, feel free to fix anything I didn't quite translate correctly. 

Lyrics and Translation
In notte placida, per muto sentier (in a peaceful night, in a silent way)
dall'alto dei ciel è disceso l'Amor; (from high in the heavens love has descended)
dei cuori sinceri il Redentor. (the Redeemer to those of faithful hearts)
Nell'aria è il palpito d'un grande mister; (The breeze is filled with the sense of a great mystery)
del nuovo Israello nato è il Signor, (the Lord of New Israel is born)
il fiore più bello dei nostri fior. (the most beautiful flower of our flowers)

Cantate popoli, gloria all'Altissimo! (Sing, Nations, glory to God!)
L'anima aprite a speranze d'amor. (Open your souls to hope and love)

Se l'aura è gelida, se buio è il sentier; (If the air feels frozen, If all feels like darkness)
Signore, il mio cuore, ti apetterà, (Lord, my heart awaits you)
e tutto il suo amore ti darà (and all of its love I will give you).
Se il fieno è rigido, se il vento è crudel; (If the hay feels harsh, if the wind bites cruelly)
un cuore che t'ama voglio a Te dar, (I want to give you a heart that loves you)
e sulle mie braccia, Gesù, cullar. (I long to cradle you, Jesus, in my arms)


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