"Suo Gan" with Christmas Lyrics


"Suo Gan" is a well known Welsh lullaby. The title literally means "lull song" or lullaby. You may recognize it from the movie "Empire of the Sun." This simple yet beautiful tune has also been set to many hymns. I first heard it on a Christmas album and always wanted to sing it, but I never learned its original name until this year. While searching for a musical number to sing in church, I found it in sacredsheetmusic.org set to the words of the hymn "God is in His Holy Temple." I sang it with those lyrics in church two months ago, accompanied by the lovely Shauntell Carol. This month I found a Christmas setting online, and Shauntell was kind enough to play it for me again. 

Below are the lyrics for these setting. They remind me of the hymn "Jesus Once of Humble Birth" as both compare His greatness and glory with the simplicity of His coming.

Holy saviour, yet so tiny,
Mighty ruler, yet so small.
Infant lowly, born so humbly,
Yet redeemer of us all.
Now the angels sing to greet thee,
God is with us, here on earth.
With the shepherds and the wise men,
Come to see his holy birth

Holy Jesus in a manger,
Little baby in a stall,
Infant holy, god's messiah,
Born to suffer for us all;
Angels bending o'er the cradle,
God's anointed from on high,
Blessed Mary watches o'er you
Singing sweetly "lullaby".
Blessed Mary watches o'er you
Singing sweetly lullaby".


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