Shepherds and Angels: Song #11 "As Lately We Watched" aka "Die Hirten auf dem Felden"

 Shepherds and Angels

Song #11 "As Lately We Watched" aka "Die Hirten auf dem Felden"

This is an Austrian carol, though its English version seems to be more commonly sung than its original German version (like "Silent Night" or "Still, Still, Still"). If you listen closely you'll notice the tune is somewhat similar to "We Wish You a Merry Christmas."

In the original German there are at least 7 verses. In most choral English versions there are 4. My arrangement has just 2. For a soloist it's best not to sing more than 2 verses of a strophic (hymn-like) song unless you're going to add some variation to the melody and accompaniment. Otherwise the song gets repetitive and boring.

As lately we watched o'er our fields through the night, A star there was seen of such glorious light. All through the night, angels did sing, in carols so sweet of the birth of a King.

A king of such beauty was ne'er before seen, And Mary his mother so like to a queen. Blessed be the hour, welcome the morn, for Christ our dear Savior on earth now is born.


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